Writing this new blog post really lights me up! As always, I’m extremely grateful for your encouraging support and feedback and it brings me the utmost joy to know that you follow and read my blog. I thank you for the honor.
I have been meaning to communicate with you all about a topic that is very close to my heart. You see, inspiration can have a profound effect on a person, levitating you from the lowest position to a place of value and worth. What better way to get inspiration than by learning from your very own mistakes?
Everything I have ever really needed to learn, I learned through the power of mistakes or, to be fair, from making mistakes. Big or small, these mistakes are the reason I have learned what my true calling is and for that I am forever grateful. These slip-ups which, I must admit, at times did feel that it was game over, the end of the world.
In life, I have painstakingly learned, nothing important comes easy. You have to work hard for everything you earn. Even when you get the things you want, it’s a constant struggle to maintain them. And that’s where the passion comes in, right? Overcoming mistakes takes you on a journey and it is this constant drive that keeps you motivated and keeps you going.
We often call ourselves failures when we err in life, thinking it is the worst of situations, but, as Janet Fitch has so elegantly quoted, “The phoenix must burn to emerge”, so must we feel the burn of failure in order to emerge as successful. In my humble opinion it is far better to regret the things you did than the things you didn’t do. This is a motto I have lived by my entire life.
There are many things in life that you do not succeed at at first, but it is your resilience and constant motivation that causes you to perfect it. As a kid cooking was such a task for me and, surprisingly, this is where much of my brand’s personality has developed from. As Julia Child once quoted, “The only real stumbling block is fear of failure. In cooking you've got to have a what-the-hell attitude.”, I learned to take on challenges head on.
It was the freedom to blend and pair spices and flavors that cooking gave me, and the countless mistakes I made, that opened me up to the idea of applying similar concepts to cosmetics. In the process, my cooking drastically improved as well! *wink*
Of course, all of this would be impossible to achieve if I had given up after my first setback! Even if you fall, even if you stumble, get back up again and do your thing! The entire struggle is only making you better, stronger and helping you keep moving forward.
Success is only as near as you want it to be, so keep on trying till the end!
Until next time,
Lots of love,
Philio Hermann