The Lefkarose

The new concept of Hermann Gourmet Cosmetics, the “Memory Distillery”, takes inspiration from life itself. It invites you to share a precious memory for a chance to see it come alive through a new and unique cosmetic creation by Hermann Gourmet Cosmetics! Become a part of the “Memory Distillery” and see your memory come to life!
The first official memory to be “distilled” in the Memory Distillery in January 2020 was named Lefkarose, an exquisite elegant parfum that contains “the distilled essence of winter, Lefkara lace and the fragrance of roses”, as described by Ms Xenia Georgiou during the distilling process of her childhood memory.
How can I participate in the Memory Distillery?
Behind the Lefkarose
Bottles, shiny powders, loose buttons and family photographs, until a small, carved, wooden vial caught my eye. It contained rose perfume.
It was the first time I smelled something so sweet and beautiful.
The scent always reminds me of that glowing childhood memory:
a crisp and fragrant winter in Lefkara ‘wrapped’ in the love of my grandparents.”
-The distilled memory of Xenia Georgiou
The first (official) product of the Hermann Gourmet Cosmetics “Memory Distillery” is the perfume candle “Lefkarose”, ready to ignite your precious memories.
Lefkarose is a natural, soya candle lovingly hand-crafted using the traditional method and contains “the distilled essence of winter, Lefkara lace, my favourite fragrance of roses and the love of my grandparents, Michalakis and Xenoulla”, as Ms Xenia Georgiou described during the memory distilling process.
The candle is gift-wrapped in a silk scarf, a traditional, plastic-free wrapping technique that helps protect the environment. It is adorned by an authentic traditional Lefkara lace pattern, blooming roses, vintage buttons and the love between the two people that inspired the Lefkarose parfum candle scent.
We then captured the fragrant properties of Lefkarose to create this divine, exfoliating face scrub. This carefully composed concoction invites you to experience your very own Lefkarose moment with its every use. The scrub boasts entirely natural, skin-loving ingredients including exfoliating sugars, rose petals and skin-soothing essential oils.
The Lefkara lace embroidery is depicted dappled with rose petals on a precious air-locked, glass jar ensuring the product’s moisturizing quality is sealed whilst keeping it planet-friendly. With the Lefkarose Face Scrub incorporated into your daily skin care regime, every day has potential for a self care moment.
The Lefkarose Face Scrub is a lush, refreshing, perfectly softening face scrub that encloses the secret properties of real rose petals and childhood memories. The brand new scrub, fresh out of the Memory Distillery, will capture your imagination and make your skin glow.